De Beste Quotes over Duurzame Mode om je te Inspireren

Van “Shop ‘til you drop” tot de iconische Carrie Bradshaw’s “I like my money right where I can see it… Hanging in my closet”, de meeste quotes over mode gaan vooral over kopen, kopen, kopen.
Woorden hebben grote invloed op hoe we naar dingen kijken en de acties die we nemen. Gezien de overvloed aan quotes over eindeloos shoppen, dus niet gek dat met overconsumptie nog steeds zo normaal is.
In deze blog verzamelen we onze favoriete quotes over duurzame mode zodat je altijd inspiratie bij de hand hebt mocht je dat nodig hebben!
De beste quotes over fast fashion
Door greenwashing en een gebrek aan transparantie, proberen fast fashion merken je te doen vergeten dat iemand anders een hoge prijs betaalt voor de goedkope kleding in onze winkels. Deze quotes helpen je dat te herinneren.
- “Cheap fashion is really far from that, it may be cheap in terms of the financial cost, but very expensive when it comes to the environment and the cost of human life.” – Sass Brown, author of ECO Fashion
- "Fast fashion is asking you to forget about other humans in favour of low prices." - Amanda Lee McCarty, co-founder of the Clotheshorse Podcast
- “There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- “There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” – Annie Leonard, environmental activist and Executive Director of Greenpeace USA
- “Fast fashion is like fast food. After the sugar rush, it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.” – Livia Firth, Livia Firth, activist and founder of Eco-Age
- “Think about everything that goes into making clothes and then think about the price of your average garment… and then think about what is considered ‘expensive’.” – Zoe Hong, fashion designer and educator
- “What if we started by slowing down and not consuming so much stuff, just because it’s there and cheap and available. It’s amazing how that process makes sense financially, it makes sense ethically, and it makes sense environmentally.” – Andrew Morgan, director of The True Cost
- “If an outfit was made by exploited workers, it can never make you look good.” – Marcella Wijngaarden (our co-founder)
De beste quotes over duurzame mode en wat het eigenlijk is
Een stugge mythe is dat duurzame mode betekent dat je je fast fashion aankopen vervangt met duurdere aankopen, maar dat klopt niet.
Deze quotes leggen kort en krachtig uit wat duurzame mode precies is.
- “The most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe.” – Orsola de Castro, fashion designer and co-founder of Fashion Revolution
- “Ethical fashion is the recognition that there are human beings behind the clothes that we wear.” – Elizabeth Joy, founder of Conscious Life & Style
- “Buy less. Choose well. Make it last.” – Vivienne Westwood, fashion designer
- “Call it eco-fashion if you like, I think it is just common sense.” – Livia Firth, activist and founder of Eco-Age
- “Sustainable Fashion is not a trend but the future.” – Antonia Böhlke, founder of MOCHNI
- “Sustainability is not an end goal, it’s a journey.” – Eileen Fisher, fashion designer
- “Slow fashion is also about returning to a personal relationship with fashion. One where trends and seasons don’t matter, but where your ethics and aesthetics seamlessly unite, and you can escape the stress of constant consumption, focusing on the style that truly appeals to you.” – Emilia Wik, founder of BYEM
- “Sustainable fashion is mostly a mindset shift: shop less and consciously.” – Marcella Wijngaarden, one of our founders
Nederlandse quotes over duurzame mode
- "Duurzame mode is creatiever zijn met kleding zodat je je eigen stijl uitdraagt en de negatieve impact van de kledingindustrie zo min mogelijk support" - Marcella Wijngaarden (co-founder Project Cece)
- “Elke aankoop is een stem voor de wereld waarin je wilt leven. Door je geld uit te even bij merken die aansluiten bij je normen en waarden, kunnen we samen een verschil maken.” - Marieke Eyskoot
De beste quotes over duurzame mode om je te inspireren
Zin om je kleding were te zien als de kleine kunstwerken die ze zijn en wil je je trots voelen over kleine acties met grote impact? Dan zijn deze duurzame mode quotes voor jou!
- “We carry the story of the people who made our clothes.” – Ali Hewson, activist and co-founder of EDUN
- “Clothes could have more meaning and longevity if we think less about owning the latest or cheapest thing and develop more of a relationship with the things we wear.” – Elizabeth L. Cline, author
- “Think deeply about each piece you own, or are looking to own, and find a memory connected to it. This will encourage you to keep it and wear it longer, repair it when it’s worn, add more stories to it, and might make you more likely to hand it over to a new owner when you’re not in love with it any longer." – Simone Agius, founder of Simétrie
- “The goal of being a sustainable shopper or consumer isn’t perfectionism! It’s leading with an intention and effort, and taking small steps that in turn, will help to create the change we need.” – stylist and founder of CD Studio
- “Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you express by the way you dress and the way you live.” – Gianni Versace, fashion designer.
- “Care for your clothes, like the good friends they are” – Joan Crawford, actor
- “If you're really wanting to shop better and more affordably, then buy something of quality to keep forever and don't buy too much. No one needs millions of clothes.” – Livia Firth, activist and founder of Eco-Age
- “Wear clothes that matter.” – Solitaire Townsend, sustainability expert and founder of Solitaire Townsend
- “We should judge outfits beyond the way they look: how are they impacting the world and people?” – Marcella Wijngaarden, co-founder of Project Cece
De beste duurzame en eerlijke mode quotes om je te motiveren
Op zoek naar bemoedigende woorden om je duurzame levensstijl en garderobe vol te houden? Hier zijn enkele van de beste citaten over duurzame mode om motivatie te vinden (en te behouden)!
- “The revolution will look fabulous.” – Lucy Shea, CEO of Futerra
- “To truly transform the fashion industry into a good one, we need to change the way we purchase, not just what we are purchasing.” – Kate Hall, founder of Ethically Kate
- “Realize the political power of your money and spend it with the brands you know are treating their workers and the environment in the best possible way.” – Lily Cole, model and author
- “Fashion can be a universal player in protecting the planet.” – Pharrell Williams, musician and fashion designer
- “Demand quality not just in the products you buy, but in the life of the person who made it.” – Orsola de Castro, fashion designer and co-founder of Fashion Revolution
Nederlandse quotes over duurzame mode om je duurzame levensstijl vol te houden
- “Het is makkelijker dan ooit om duurzame merken te supporten en toch hebben deze merken het nog steeds zwaar. Wees die verandering!” - Marcella Wijngaarden (Co-founder)
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Project Cece is een verzamelwebsite voor eerlijke en duurzame kleding. Door de leukste merken en winkels op één website te verzamelen maken we het makkelijker om duurzame mode te vinden. Neem eens een kijkje in ons online overzicht van duurzame producten voor vrouwen of mannen!